Specialty Clinics Detail

Sports Injury Clinic

jaslok hospital

With the increase in the number of people working out and playing sports to maintain health, sports injuries have been on a rise as well. The Sports Injury Clinic is a specialised centre within Jaslok Hospital dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of all sports-related injuries. 

The clinic consists of highly skilled medical professionals, including sports medicine physicians, physiotherapists, orthopaedic surgeons, and other healthcare professionals who have extensive knowledge and experience in the care of athletes and active individuals.

The clinic offers a full range of diagnostic and treatment services, including advanced imaging studies, minimally invasive surgical interventions, and rehabilitation programs. The team has extensive experience in the care of all sports-related injuries, including ligament and tendon injuries, fractures, dislocations, and cartilage damage. 

At the Sports Injury Clinic, the team understands the unique needs of athletes and active individuals and is committed to providing personalised, evidence-based care that is tailored to the individual needs of each patient. The team works closely with patients to develop comprehensive treatment plans that not only address the immediate injury but also help to prevent future injuries and optimise performance.

The clinic also offers the latest procedures, such as arthroscopy & hip resurfacing that enable sportsmen and others to return to high-activity sports within weeks to a few months. These procedures make this clinic one of the best in Mumbai and all of India. 

Jaslok Hospital is the flagbearer for providing cutting-edge technology. The clinic is therefore equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure and technology to ensure that all patients receive the highest quality care possible. It features a dedicated rehabilitation and exercise area, multiple treatment rooms and a state-of-the-art imaging suite. It also offers advanced diagnostic technology such as X-ray, MRI, CT scans, and ultrasound to accurately diagnose and monitor sports-related injuries. 

The team is dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest research and advances in sports medicine and is also actively involved in clinical trials and other research studies aimed at improving the care and outcomes of athletes and active individuals.

The healthcare team at the Sports Injury Clinic understands that living with a sports-related injury can be challenging and frustrating and therefore strives to provide compassionate support and education to help patients and their families navigate their condition. 

At the Sports Injury Clinic, the main goal is to provide the highest quality care to every patient and their families. The clinic is dedicated to helping patients achieve the best possible outcomes through individualised treatments, collaboration and communication

Our Experts

Jaslok Hospital boasts over 300 eminent physicians, many of whom are trailblazers in their specialized domains. Moreover, they have garnered a reputation for devising groundbreaking and inventive clinical protocols.

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