At Jaslok Hospital, we place strong emphasis on our Medical expertise and the quality of care provided to our patients. We believe in continuous improvement and hence monitor over 94 indicators to maintain clinical and operational excellence and help focus on patient centred care.
Quality in health services is care that is effective, safe, evidence based, people-centred, timely, equitable, integrated and efficient. Quality may be defined as the degree to which health care services provided increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge.
Use of Evidence based practices means use of treatment modalities that are currently used widely as they are tested and proven, saves lives by saving efforts, reducing care fragmentation and reduces hospital stay.
At Jaslok hospital, we believe in providing high quality and safe care to our customers and are continuously monitoring and measuring our outcomes and benchmarking ourselves with the best institutions in the health care around the world.
Quality indicators can be described as three types—outcome, process or structure Structural indicators encompass such areas such as the amount and adequacy of facilities and equipment, the qualifications of staff as well as the administrative structure and programs.
Process indicators aim to measure the extent of the application. Examples include waiting times ,timeliness of treatment, compliance to treatment guidelines.
Outcome indicators relate to recovery, restoration of functionality and survival of patients. Examples: Mortality rate, survival rates, infection rates.
We have in place a comprehensive Quality program which helps us in our continuous pursuit of excellence. The key elements include :A. Standard Operating procedures, common policies and manuals : a framework of clinical and non-clinical guidelines, procedures and protocols that help us deliver the desired patient care outcomes.
B. Clinical Outcomes : monitoring clinical outcomes such as length of stay after specific surgeries, survival rates, mortality rate, timely delivery of lifesaving treatment in stroke and myocardial infarction,
D. Dashboard of non-clinical indicators : monitoring of service parameters such as waiting times, timeliness and correctness of information.
E. Patient safety program : monitoring of patient across the hospital. Key areas include medication safety, surgical safety, safety during clinical handovers, International patient safety goals,
F. Incident Reporting system : In our quest of continuous improvement, every employee in the hospital are trained and encouraged to report key incidents that affect the well being of patients, staff and hospital as a whole. The possible root causes discussed and improvement measures are implemented.
G. Infection Control : We have a comprehensive Infection Prevention and Control program that cover policies and procedures on hand hygiene, standard precautions, notification of infectious diseases, environmental hygiene which includes biomedical waste management and prevention of nosocomial or hospital acquired infections, particularly surgical wound infections, ventilator-associated infections, UTI and intravascular device related infections including control of communicable diseases. This program is reviewed annually and as per need as we understand that prevention and control of infection in both patients and the staff who cares for them, is a responsibility and are absolutely committed towards it.
H. Accreditation : Accreditation is a “stamp of approval” given by an independent third party that is recognized and respected in the industry for their evidence based guidelines. Health care organizations must meet international and national standards, including clinical measures, in order to be accredited.
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