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Select Doctor | 24 March 2023

Total Knee Replacement Surgery: What To Expect

Much like other parts of your body, the knees, too, are significant for various purposes—some that one cannot imagine life without! Think of running, cycling, and even walking! The knees provide the comfort of mobility and convenience in our actions. Hence, our human knees facilitate our everyday activities without which life may get difficult. But what happe...

jaslok hospital


Dr. (Mrs.) Ruchi Gupta Samdani | 24 March 2023

Kidney Transplant Process Explained And When Do You Need It?

The human body has been designed in an intricate fashion—where all organs have a purpose of their own; a function they're loyal to. With even one of them missing, life would become quite troublesome. The functioning that is carried out by these bodily parts is intrinsic to human existence,  survival, and sustenance. One such integral part of the body hap...

jaslok hospital

Medical Oncology

Dr. Reetu Jain | 24 March 2023

Bone Marrow Transplant - Procedure And Who Needs It?

Although an intimidating procedure on the surface, Bone Marrow Transplants have gained quite a positive reputation in recent years! It has become a swift, concise, and successful treatment. In fact, knowing that India has one of the best success rates for bone marrow transplants—a staggering 60–90% success rate—is essentially extraordinary on its own.

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