Certain acute illnesses need immediate attention, evaluation and treatment. Timely interventions not only improve the survival rate, but also overall life outcome in terms of quality of life.
In case of suspected stroke cases it is imperative to diagnose it as soon as possible to initiate the treatment; hence early diagnosis is the key. Such diagnosis can be easily reached by doing CT/MRI radio imaging. We at Jaslok Hospital & Research Center monitor the time required for such patients to do the radio-diagnosis, and we try to keep it under 30 mins, which is one of the lowest in Indian healthcare setting.
S. No | Parameter | Unit | Reference | Benchmark | April 22 - March 23 | April 23 - March 24 |
1 | Door to CT/MRI time in ER for suspected stroke patients | Minutes | Internal | 30 mins | 18 mins | 21 mins |
In Case of Myocardial infarction (MI), emergency ballooning should be done in all eligible case, mortality risk declines by almost 8% in case wherein intervention is undertaken within 90 mins of event occurrence/arrival of the patient.
S. No | Parameter | Unit | Reference | Benchmark | April 22 - March 23 | April 23 - March 24 |
2 | Door to Balloon time in MI patients | Minutes | American college of Cardiology | 90 mins | 88 mins | 86 mins |
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