Profile Summary

Qualification & Experience:

"M.S.(Gen Surg), M.Ch(Ped Surg) He has successfully performed a variety of advanced surgeries in young children and newborns. He is one of the pioneers in the country to have brought the benefits of laparoscopic surgery to the care of children and newborns. In 1998, even when there were few adult surgeons practicing advanced laparoscopic surgery, he trained himself in this field to offer the benefits of minimal access surgery in the surgical treatment of children."


"Dr. Ketan Parikh is a practicing pediatric surgeon in the city of Mumbai since almost 30 years. He has got his basic medical training from the Grant Medical College in Mumbai where he also did his post-graduation in surgery and super-specialisation in pediatric surgery. Besides his private practice, he has been associated with 8 charitable and semi-charitable hospitals of the city, the principal ones being, Jaslok, Nanavati, Hirananadani, Seven Hills & Hindusabha hospitals. He has also regularly updated himself with the various developments in the field of pediatric surgery. In 1998, he served as a visiting fellow at the Hospital for sick children – Great Ormond Street, London and also the pediatric hospital at Birmingham. Subsequently he was a visiting professor at the Childrens’ hospital – Boston where he has been exposed to advanced fetal care and also pediatric robotic surgery."


  • "Chairman: PESI-IAPS.
  • Org Chairman: IAPSCON 2015
  • Past President: Association of Medical Consultants, IMA-NEBS branch.
  • In the past, he has been the President of the local branch of IMA and Association of Medical Consultants.
  • He is currently the Chairman of the Association of Paediatric Endoscopic Surgeons of India."

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