Knowledge Center
bcvbcv | 24 March 2023
The human body has been designed in an intricate fashion—where all organs have a purpose of their own; a function they're loyal to. With even one of them missing, life would become quite troublesome. The functioning that is carried out by these bodily parts is intrinsic to human existence, survival, and sustenance. One such integral part of the body happens to be our kidneys.
Our kidneys are primarily responsible for removing toxins from the blood and turning waste into urine. Utilising tubules, the kidneys absorb the blood's nutrients and transfer them to areas of the body where they will facilitate wellness. The functions of the kidneys are plentiful. The lungs and kidneys additionally contribute to maintaining the body's pH balance. The lungs accomplish this by regulating the blood's carbon dioxide levels. By generating and reabsorbing bicarbonate from the urine, which helps neutralise acids, the kidneys regulate PH. Furthermore, they create the hormone erythropoietin, which promotes the production of red blood cells.
As you could tell from the above-mentioned pointers, the kidneys and their routine functioning help us tremendously. Under such regards, we must ensure the proper maintenance of these organs; ensure that their functioning can be sustained for longer times. However, what happens when you encounter a persistent, serious, potentially hazardous condition, disorder, or ailment that prohibits the proper functioning of your ever-so-necessary kidneys and lead to them not properly working anymore? What is the next viable step — especially after proper evaluation and understanding?
As per research, it is believed somewhere between 151 and 232 per million people in India have an end-stage renal illness, necessitating a transplant. As you might have guessed, the next course of action, in such scenarios, tends to be — a kidney transplant.
What Is A Kidney Transplant?
When a client has end-stage kidney disease, a kidney transplant, also known as a renal transplant, is performed. Depending on the origin of the transplanted organ, kidney transplantation is often divided into deceased-donor and living-donor categories. Typically, renal failure is treated with this treatment. Your replacement kidney will begin to replace the malfunctioning organ after it is attached. Typically, the donated kidney is positioned on the bottom right or left side of the abdomen.
You will require either dialysis — which utilises a machine to eliminate waste from your blood — or a kidney transplant once your kidneys become unable to effectively screen or filter out waste.
When Should You Get A Kidney Transplant?
When a patient has kidney failure, a kidney transplant is frequently preferred to lifelong dialysis. You can feel happier and live much longer with a kidney transplant if you have end-stage kidney illness or chronic kidney ailments.
Some common issues that may lead to ESRD (end-stage renal disease) and ultimately, a kidney transplant, includes:
What Is The Kidney Transplant Process?
The process for getting a successful kidney transplant goes as follows:
Jaslok Hospital — Best Kidney Hospital in India
Jaslok Hospital, often regarded as the Best Kidney Hospital in India, is esteemed for handling all kidney-related issues that our clients may face. Our establishment is embellished with skilled, well-trained nephrologists, medical professionals, and surgeons who know the best for you. With our holistic approach, our specialists can make your medical journey a smoother, safer, more secure, and more successful one.
We are a cost-effective institution that believes in satisfying the interests of our clients and connecting them with technology that ensures proper health and wellness, no matter the condition. Our aim is to establish a safe environment for our clients to heal effectively and with the utmost guarantee.
Not only are we proficient at carrying out successful kidney transplants, but we can also actively help you with all your kidney-related problems and/or disorders, including the treatment of kidney stones. Therefore, you can easily avail kidney stone treatment in Mumbai from our esteemed medical establishment which constantly caters to all in need. With our aim being the earnest and swift betterment of our patients, we only render solutions that offer revolutionary, uber-modern benefits.
Disseminating quality services is what we are renowned for. And that is our lifelong promise to you, as the best kidney hospital in India.
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