Profile Summary

Medical Qualification: D.A., FCPS, FIAPM 

Years of experience: 10 years 

Areas of expertise:

  • Cancer pain 
  • Palliative care 
  • Acute pain services 
  • Regenerative medicine 


  • Practicing multimodal approach for patients suffering from chronic pain of both cancer and non-cancer origin including entire spectrum of interventional therapies for different types of chronic pain syndromes with good outcomes.  
  • Comprehensive training & expertise in USG guided nerve blocks, MSK and spine interventions 
  • Experience with advanced therapies & neuromodulation techniques.  
  • Experienced in palliative pain management and symptomatic care in terminal cancer patients as well.  

Awards & Publications: 

  • Study of Patients with Bilateral Knee Osteoarthritis Undergoing Total Knee Replacement Procedure with Coexisting Lumbar Spondylosis Symptoms. Asian Spine J 2021;15(6):825-830 • DOI 
  • Comparison of Efficacy and Safety of Transdermal Buprenorphine Patch and Conventional Analgesics in Intra-capsular Femur Neck Fracture Post HemiarthroplastyIndian Journal of Orthopaedics 56(6S). DOI:  
  • Understanding the apprehension and concern haunting patients before a total knee arthroplastyArthroplasty 3(1). DOI:  
  • Complete Sciatic Nerve Palsy following Pericapsular Infiltration During Total Knee Replacement – An Unusual Complication Journal of Peripheral Nerve Surgery 2020;4:2-24. DOI 


  • IASP (International Association of Study of Pain) 
  • TNS (The Neuromodulation Society) 
  • ISSP (Indian Society of Study of Pain) 
  • IAPC (Indian Association of Palliative 
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